WishTender is shutting down. Find information about what happened here.
Get your
funded by your fans
The international wishlist that protects you.Receive gift funds fast and worry free.
  • Get the cash for your gifts
  • Handle the funds as you like
  • 100% payout*
  • Fraud chargeback protection
  • Two way anonymity
  • Supports 60 countries and counting
  • Livestream gift notifications
  • *currency conversions may reduce payout
wishtender cash graphic
A free and safe way to share wishlists.
wishlist icon
One Stop Wishlist

Pick from any online store or create custom cash funds for college, travel, and more.

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Hide Shipping Address

Keep your mailing address and legal name private so you can receive gifts safely.

control orders icon
Control Orders

Decide when your orders get placed, add to orders, or keep the cash.

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WishTender is built to help you no matter what content you create.

The safest and most flexible universal wishlist for public personalities.

Say hello to WishTender, a universal wishlist and gift registry platform- specially designed for influencers and public personalities. Build your wishlist with gifts from any retailer and have full control of privacy and orders. We're customer-focused; Building out the site with feedback from customers like you every step of the way.
